Sundaeswap, Minswap, Wingriders, Muesliswap
Cardano blockchain | CoinGecko | Muesliswap | Minswap | IPFS | Opencnft | Cnftjungle |
DEX / Farming: | Sundaeswap | Minswap | Wingriders | Muesliswap | |
Staking: | VyFinance | Muesliswap | MELD | AADA | GeniusYield |
Lending: | FluidTokens | AADA.Finance | Liqwid.Finance | ||
Sidechains: | Milkomeda |
Exchanges |
Sundaeswap, Minswap, Wingriders, Muesliswap |
GeniusYield, Cardax, Axo, Milkyswap, Vyfi, Teddyswap |
Comprehensive Personal Realfi Information |
Lending |
Fluidtokens, AADA.Finance, Liqwid.Finance |
MELD, Lending Pond |
Staking |
AADA, MELD, Muesliswap, Vyfi, GeniusYield |
DEX Governance Token(s), cNETA, etc... |
Sidechain |
Milkomeda(-) |
Milkomeda+, IOG EVM, Wanchain |
Identity |
— |
Prism (Education, Medical, ID, other) |
This operation rely's entirely on support from the community, to contribute you can:
Its easy to do, you don't give up your ADA & can be undone at will. The stakepool is long running, high performance and in return will pay you the best asset on the planet rn - cold hard ADA. Check stakepool data here. Delegated addresses don't count towards the 5 address cap
Or choose AUSST through your wallet
Connect to Eternl/Nami Wallet on a full browser, or delegate manually by choosing AUSST through your wallet
Or tip manually to $
Connect to Eternl/Nami Wallet on a full browser, or tip manually to $
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